Reflexology as an alternative treatment has been around for thousands of years now. It is similar to acupuncture and acupressure since it binds points on the outside of the body to points on the inside of the body. Those therapies, on the other hand, employ points across the body, not just the feet, hands, and ears. Although reflexologists use their hands, this is not the same as massage.
Reflexologists all over the world claim that reflexology assists in the release of endorphins, which in turn aids the body’s healing and regeneration. Doctors worldwide have used reflexology for decades with promising outcomes, even though it is not generally accepted in the medical community. Let us understand the importance of reflexology as an alternative treatment.
Reflexology as an alternative treatment improves central nervous system
Reflexology can stimulate over 7000 different nerve endings in a single session, enhancing their reactivity and function, cleaning out neural pathways, and improving the functioning of many parts of the body.
Researchers believe that there is a neurological relationship between the skin and the internal organs. Stimulation allows the entire nervous system to respond. The reflexologist applies pressure to the feet, hands, or ears, which sends a stimulating message to the central nervous system through the peripheral nerves in these extremities, causing the body to change its stress level.
This improves overall relaxation, optimizes the functioning of internal organs and processes, and increases blood flow (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhances waste removal). It has a beneficial impact on the body’s circulatory, metabolic, endocrine, immune, and neuropeptide systems.
Reflexology as an alternative treatment also reduces pain by reducing stress
The neuromatrix theory of pain suggests that pain is a subjective experience created by the brain. The brain does this in response to the sensory perception of pain, but it may also do so in response to emotional or cognitive influences. As a result, factors that affect the brain, such as your mood or external factors like stress, will affect your experience of pain. Hence, reflexology can help with pain management by reducing stress and improving mood.
Vital energy
There is vital energy in the human body. If a person is stressed, it induces energy congestion which in turn contributes to bodily inefficiencies. It can lead to disease if not handled in a better way. Thus reflexology helps to keep the energy flowing in our body
Further, the study of reflexology divides the body into 10 vertical zones. Up to the top of the head, each zone corresponds to fingers and toes. Hence, any organ, valve, muscle, and several other systems within a zone can be accessed through a point or area on the feet or hands. For instance, eye point is found between toes 2 and 3, or fingers 2 and 3. The nervous system is believed to connect these pathways between pressure points and other parts of the body.
Reflexology as an alternative treatment is useful for maintaining general health and treating chronic diseases like strokes, musculoskeletal disorders, and stress. This therapy is generally embraced by the public because of its relaxing massage and non-drug complementary nature. Visit us and experience the benefits of reflexology for yourself too.